“Resilient Chinatown”
Vancouver Mural Festival Black Strathcona Resurgence Project (2021).
Curated by Krystal Paraboo. Commissioned by BC Housing.
The Black Strathcona Resurgence Project (BSRP) is a community endeavour aiming to reclaim visibility and reconcile erasure and systemic racism endured over time by Black people in Vancouver. As part of this goal, BSRP aims to also bring an intercultural lens and reflect stories of solidarity between Black, Indigenous and Chinese communities in the Strathcona & Hogan’s Alley area through art.
Situated on the unceded territories of the Coast Salish Peoples, at the intersection of Hogan’s Alley and Historic Chinatown, “Resilient Chinatown” is a vibrant and hopeful reflection of the Chinatown community. The strong portraits of both younger and older people on the mural put faces to the long-standing community, while the oranges, plum blossoms and lanterns that surround them tell their stories of perseverance, endurance, healing, and hope. There has been a long history of fighting back, raising voices, and helping others in the face of prejudice, racism and exclusion. This mural aims for the Asian community to feel represented and seen, and for their resiliency over time to be honoured. It is situated in between an array of incredible BSRP murals from Black and Indigenous artists.
855 square feet. Located at 251 Union Street (alleyway), Vancouver, BC.
Photos by Solomon Hsu.
Read Press.

see it in person
251 Union St. Alleyway
Vancouver, BC
Thanks for stopping by! This area features murals from a group of talented artists for the Black Strathcona Resurgence Project.